why do you need to contact Suntec sales?
latest #15
company wants to find out rental rates for their meeting rooms
so called a lot of hotels and suntec
i am newbie to plurk..lol.. i didnt know i posted my plurk in the main instead of the reply to you
i was using the Plurk buddy in MSN
haha i figured it was directed to me :x
they didnt even have a quote off hand, while every other hotels i called had!
and even after i tell her when i want the venue, she refused to give a quote.
do you need just the information for rental?
my friend just finished her convention. she might have quotations already with her
i dont think i need it now, after i related what hapepned to my colleagues they said just drop suntec from our list
welcome.. she has a full listing of rentals if you need
but i am not sure if she is willing to share
she is freelance anyway for conventions... so perhaps she will give you her quotations of what she received so far
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