Amber says
14 years ago
maxed out my phone bill so I don't know how am I gonna cal, SMS you and I really miss you
latest #10
Hian Lee asks
14 years ago
need help?
Cheers says
14 years ago
use hse phone?
CARMY says
14 years ago
awww :-(
Amber says
14 years ago
hianlee hahahaha no thanks before I max out yours lOL!
Amber says
14 years ago
lauce808 Parents unfortunately.
Amber says
14 years ago
Cheers says
14 years ago
aww :-(
Amber says
14 years ago
HEH ^^
CARMY says
14 years ago
cheer up!
Amber says
14 years ago
:-D cheered up liao! :-D
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