Akayagg says
14 years ago
I dont get people.....
latest #8
Akayagg says
14 years ago
the news can be so terrible :-(
Amberrr. says
14 years ago
i dont either
Akayagg says
14 years ago
its so sad this lady burned her kid I mean srsly thats just sick
Amberrr. says
14 years ago
Amberrr. says
14 years ago
what is wrong with ppl
Akayagg says
14 years ago
Yeah I know and like its so depressing i dont know why I even watch the news.
Akayagg says
14 years ago
anther guy tattooed a 1 year olds bum
Amberrr. says
14 years ago
omgg i just want to slap the shit out of ppl
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