16 years ago
wondering why I would want a "star" for recruiting my friends? What's the value outside of some kind of warped egoism?
latest #7
sonnygill thinks
16 years ago
the same thing goes for Karma, no?
tamera says
16 years ago
true, true, I still haven't figured that one out either, but I was trying to "find" people and alas couldn't search, just invite & get a *
sonnygill says
16 years ago
yeah no search yet. I found it semi-efficient by putting in twitter names into the plurk profile URL and 'searching' that way.
frankmartin says
16 years ago
you got it. And Plurk uses **ego** very effectively to induce recruiting!
MackCollier says
16 years ago
yeah it almost seems like we would get stars for spamming friends ;(
DJLitten says
16 years ago
I would love to see which of my Twitter friends were on Plurk.
craphammer says
16 years ago
The no search is a big suck factor ;(
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