Shaggy asks
14 years ago
how many layers of peanut butter are in a nutty bar?
latest #28
Shaggy says
14 years ago
dont cheat when guessing
Church♥Mouse says
14 years ago
Shaggy says
14 years ago
Church♥Mouse says
14 years ago
Hmm, after I said that I thought about it - I think there are 5 wafers, which would make 4 layers of PB.
Church♥Mouse says
14 years ago
Shaggy says
14 years ago
still no
RooshabyTNT says
14 years ago
I'm going to say like 8.
Lulu says
14 years ago
Shaggy says
14 years ago
lulu wins...
Shaggy says
14 years ago
there are 4 wafers so 3 layers of peanut butter...
Shaggy says
14 years ago
does anyone pull them all apart and eat each layer separate
Lulu says
14 years ago
Lulu says
14 years ago
except I scrape all the pb off with the wafer I just pulled apart and eat it first
Shaggy says
14 years ago
i do that sometmes too
Church♥Mouse says
14 years ago
They need to add a layer. :-P
Lulu says
14 years ago
or 2 or 3
14 years ago
I'm not even sure what a Nutty Bar looks like...
Church♥Mouse says
14 years ago
Wishful says
14 years ago
Me either. I'll have to hunt for one today.
Momma Ninja says
14 years ago
Oh, they are truly wonderful. Hope you find one.
Lulu shares
14 years ago
Lulu shares
14 years ago
it is a Little Debbie snack
Lulu shares
14 years ago
hmm I guess that pic wasn't very big.. but if you need to just google it
Wishful says
14 years ago
Wait....are these little Debbie things??
Lulu says
14 years ago
yes it is a little Debbie snack
Wishful says
14 years ago
Okay, then I've had it....I was thinking it was a candy bar.
Shaggy says
14 years ago
they look like a candy bar but they are not
14 years ago
i know i've seen them..but i don't know if i've ever tried one
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