Delia asks
16 years ago
if you have a hard time sleeping what do you do to help yourself fall asleep???
latest #10
16 years ago
nathanmiller says
16 years ago
lie there with my eyes closed and pray. if I still can't, read. if I totally can't, computer or movie, til my eyes are tired.
Delia says
16 years ago
I heard that if you use any type of technology for up to an hour before you go to bed can cause a restless mind. Is that true?
DrLeukocyte says
16 years ago
Dee, the computer makes me fall right asleep.
Max says
16 years ago
Yes Delia it does make your mind quite restless because it runs over everything you were just doing
Captain Jonny says
16 years ago
try and make up a story in your head, usually works for me
Captain Jonny says
16 years ago
i think it's because it's semi focussing on one thing and when that trails off you're mind will be empty
Max says
16 years ago
It sort of depends what your doing, if you playing a game or watching something exciting your mind wont rest for a long time
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