14 years ago
hey, response peoples .. my karma's getting down !! (angry) . *sighs*
latest #37
Athenodora says
14 years ago
(annoyed) i wonder who's controlling karma? hmmm...
ChelseaVolturi says
14 years ago
yeah, who's controlling karma ? i wonder too about that Mistress ..
Athenodora says
14 years ago
it will be a nice addition to our collection if we find this person controlling karma.. hmm.. *thinking*
ChelseaVolturi says
14 years ago
oh *laughs* it's a good idea, Mistress ..
Athenodora says
14 years ago
ChelseaVolturi says
14 years ago
*looking around* where's the other Mistress ?
Athenodora says
14 years ago
i think she's with Aro... or roaming around the castle.. we parted after our morning greetings.. *smiles*
ChelseaVolturi says
14 years ago
hmm .. i see .. *smiles* and where are my sisters and brothers .. *confused then chuckles*
Athenodora says
14 years ago
i am not sure chelsea.. i think heidi is "fishing" for us.. jane is with alec... and.. hmm.. the others i simply can not tell.. *shrugs*
ChelseaVolturi says
14 years ago
and sadly .. Aftonvolturu haven't come back from his trip *sad*
Athenodora says
14 years ago
yes... that's the cost of being a volturi...
ChelseaVolturi says
14 years ago
hmmm ... *nods* :-(
Athenodora says
14 years ago
*lifts chelsea's chin* be proud child, be proud in serving the volturi. because we are your family... a royal family.. *smiles*
Kat says
14 years ago
ChelseaVolturi says
14 years ago
yes Mistress .. you're right .. *smiles* hmm .. thank you Katrina .. *nods*
xxshamaexx says
14 years ago
ChelseaVolturi says
14 years ago
hmm .. thank you Twix *nods*
xxshamaexx says
14 years ago
You're welcome Chelsea.. :-)
ChelseaVolturi says
14 years ago
hmm ... *smiles*
xxshamaexx says
14 years ago
*smiles at ChelseaVolturi*
Heidi Volturi says
14 years ago
awww. It's alright, Chels *hugs Chelsea*
14 years ago
14 years ago
14 years ago
Edward Cullen says
14 years ago
*shrugs* Do onto others and all that...
14 years ago
same v.v
ChelseaVolturi says
14 years ago
*hugs Heidi back* aww, you're very nice sister i ever have .. lucky me to have a sister like you *smiles*
ChelseaVolturi says
14 years ago
thank you Prabha .. *looks at Edward* oh, you're here Edward .. Welcome ...
Heidi Volturi says
14 years ago
Awww. *smiles sweetly* Thank you dear. Those words mean a lot to me.
ChelseaVolturi says
14 years ago
aww *smiles sweetly back* you are, dear . i just said the truth ..
Heidi Volturi says
14 years ago
*sighs happily* Hurry back in the castle, dear :-)
▓ ɐusıʇns ▓ says
14 years ago
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14 years ago
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14 years ago
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