14 years ago
so tired of hearing about people who get 500 or more in food stamps a month who refuse to work. not cant, WONT
latest #33
14 years ago
if you need help, fine, get help. Lord knows I have, but I have never once refused to work
ColtPixy says
14 years ago
the only person i know on fs is a married couple with 3 kids. he works, she is in school to get training 4 work they just cannot make ends
franni says
14 years ago
thats diff star they are trying
14 years ago
I saw a CNN story about people who said it was better not to work because it reduced their gov't support.
14 years ago
a friend has a daughter who is married with 2 kids. neither adult will work-full of excuses. they get $600 a month!
SpiritEssence says
14 years ago
yeah, Athena - I agree. I wish I could earn that for staying at home..
14 years ago
when I was pregnant, I had to take classes, Billy had to put in 40 hours a week at the Salvation Army until he found a job
14 years ago
there are so many people getting help the restrictions have slackened entirely too much and people are really taking advantage
14 years ago
let me rephrase that-SOME people are taking advantage
RandomGeek has
14 years ago
a strong ethic to always do accept both work *and* help when needed. Anything else doesn't make sense.
kayboogie says
14 years ago
this is a soap box i'd gladly let you stay on. It irks me, too.
14 years ago
I used to believe that the govt had an obligation to help its citizens, but every day that passes I see someone else taking advantage of it
14 years ago
and it makes me want to vomit.
cturtlezone says
14 years ago
that drives me nutso. We tech qualify for $10 a month but we don't get it
14 years ago
10? wow they are really generous
cturtlezone says
14 years ago
yep they just really know how to help a person.
14 years ago
I guess they expect you to live on Ramen?
cturtlezone says
14 years ago
pretty much. They expect you to eat the cheap non nutritious foods. After all you don't treat celiac by avoiding gluten you don't treat vit
cturtlezone says
14 years ago
deficiencies with vit.supplements there's no such thing as a dairy protien (casein) problem it's got to be the sugar in the dairy that is
cturtlezone says
14 years ago
being reacted to. puncture resistant tires in an area that has a lot of goat head thorns are a luxury & not a needed for proper wheelchair
cturtlezone says
14 years ago
use. I can go on if you'd like to see how back into the dark ages we are. Oh and you got to remember girls can't have autism
Michele13 says
14 years ago
yep they aren't free with the help here. Unless you have children under 7 then you can get some help.
Michele13 says
14 years ago
docs don't do much for kids like check iron levels cause they just assume you will be getting it done through wic
14 years ago
Ridiculous. Isn't the WIC item list small? For years you were only allowed to buy crap.
14 years ago
WIC is limited to formula (for 1 year), juice, cereal, peanut butter, cheese, eggs
cturtlezone says
14 years ago
depends on the status of the situation. Once upon a time it was milk, cereal, juice, peanut butter, cheese, carrots, beans,tuna, & some
cturtlezone says
14 years ago
other things.
cturtlezone says
14 years ago
but I was referring to the tests wic does more than the food. Like lead and iron for example
RandomGeek says
14 years ago
Ah, thanks.
Michele13 says
14 years ago
I hear you
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