ana wonders
16 years ago
Who likes STC new Log, and why . I love the Purple in it that’s it
latest #17
Hamza says
16 years ago
I Didn't like it, meaning less and too much mixed colors that hurts the eyes
16 years ago
I liked it.. at least it's unique an they don't look like an inverted electric company logo.
vivajeddah says
16 years ago
I like it, its very elegant
16 years ago
i hate it, STC that is ;-)
DuHa says
16 years ago
i didnt like the new logo
16 years ago
even if STC owns part of that company, why can't they make an original logo for a change ?
Ehab says
16 years ago
You can't make a logo depends on its color .. logo
Ehab says
16 years ago
as we know depends on its shape more than color ..
Ehab says
16 years ago
other wise u will lose its touch on black and white publications or ads
16 years ago
they had no problems with the ads, look at the link i posted ;-)
16 years ago
I agree with Hamza. Plus I already stated that if you can't draw their logo with your pencil then it's a failure
16 years ago
I wonder why would they just take someone elses logo even if they own them?
16 years ago
I was wondering the same thing! and I was just talking about it with my brothers when we were watching t.v. and the new ad came up
16 years ago
It's kinda.. not professional.
16 years ago
I think we must be confused, along with the others that noticed it, because it just doesn't sound like something they'd do.
16 years ago
naw not foe me
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