dsmichaud is
16 years ago
at work doing research and studying. How come almost everything that we're doing in dynamics looks foreign to me?
latest #15
roryping says
16 years ago
welcome to my world, I got an A in geology at Plymouth but now everything looks foreign to me when I'm sitting in on lecture and initially..
roryping says
16 years ago
going over the labs for TAing (just don't let my students know that though lol)
dsmichaud says
16 years ago
lol yeah...we're using tensors and matrices and things that I've never seen, and the prof's like, "it's very straight forward material"
dsmichaud says
16 years ago
and i'm like, no...not really
roryping says
16 years ago
ummm, I'm already confused :-P
ALMichaud says
16 years ago
it will get better baby
dsmichaud says
16 years ago
thanks :-)
macjedimatt says
16 years ago
WTF is a tensor??
roryping says
16 years ago
a sensor that was contaminated by a t?
macjedimatt says
16 years ago
ahh.. wait that doesn't make sense :-P
roryping says
16 years ago
when does science ever make sense? lol
dsmichaud says
16 years ago
it's a vector...but instead of having one set of 3-D coordinates (i,j,k or x,y,z)...it has two...so it has nine components and not three
dsmichaud says
16 years ago
it's wicked confusing :-/
macjedimatt says
16 years ago
Holy crap dude. I feel sorry for ya!
dsmichaud says
16 years ago
*shrug* oh well, it has to be done. Hopefully it gets a little clearer...cause the test on this stuff is two weeks from today :-/
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