14 years ago
shouldnt tomorrow be a holiday ?!
latest #31
RebeliciousK says
14 years ago
ıoɥɔuɐʎɹq says
14 years ago
YEAH ! every year after Hari Sukan sure got holiday ! why this year dont have ?!
Rynn L says
14 years ago
pn. radiah don't allow?
RebeliciousK says
14 years ago
argh..we shud report this! haha
ıoɥɔuɐʎɹq says
14 years ago
curse her *rawr*
Rynn L says
14 years ago
everyone who attended's exhausted~should give us a break ==
ıoɥɔuɐʎɹq says
14 years ago
yeah ! Complain to police ! geng chap ! mata ! jin3 cha2 ! polis ! cops ! err.. ninonino ?
Rynn L says
14 years ago
RebeliciousK says
14 years ago
not bibobibo??
ıoɥɔuɐʎɹq says
14 years ago
hahaha, but yarr.. i want to ponteng tomorrow
ıoɥɔuɐʎɹq says
14 years ago
it's ninoninonino la (siren sounds)
RebeliciousK says
14 years ago
but..usually i heard is bibobibo..
ıoɥɔuɐʎɹq says
14 years ago
ıoɥɔuɐʎɹq says
14 years ago
tomato tometo
RebeliciousK says
14 years ago
ıoɥɔuɐʎɹq says
14 years ago
fine, nvm.. but still.. ninonino ! mux complain !
RebeliciousK says
14 years ago
BIBOBIBO!! btw..isn't too late to complain now?? i mean..u shud complain b4 the sukan ends..
ıoɥɔuɐʎɹq says
14 years ago
sien.. so in the end we still have to go to school ?!
RebeliciousK says
14 years ago
of coz! if i got go to stadium today..i'll went up the stage there..snatch the mic n announce tat 2molo is HOLIDAY!! hahaa
YuAnYuAn... ^^ says
14 years ago
you dare pho yee?
YuAnYuAn... ^^ says
14 years ago
ıoɥɔuɐʎɹq says
14 years ago
hahaha, then everyone will clap, then you sure kena from teachers =P
YuAnYuAn... ^^ says
14 years ago
not teachers lor
YuAnYuAn... ^^ says
14 years ago
only the pengetua only
YuAnYuAn... ^^ says
14 years ago
teacher also got holiday mar like that
YuAnYuAn... ^^ says
14 years ago
y kena? ^^
RebeliciousK says
14 years ago
lol..i dare if i can go..xD
RebeliciousK says
14 years ago
but it's over..hahaha
YuAnYuAn... ^^ says
14 years ago
ya lor... too late to regret... >.<
RebeliciousK says
14 years ago
lol...nth to regret actually..>.<
YuAnYuAn... ^^ says
14 years ago
lol... (LOL)
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