mie ng
14 years ago
:"青苹果怎么那么酸啊?" :S
latest #8
rongrong88 says
14 years ago
u jz 1st time eat hor?hehe... (tongue)
mie ng says
14 years ago
i seldom eat green apple .. >_< i prefer red apple or other fruits
jackn3o says
14 years ago
因为它不甜咯所以酸 :-P
xiaoss says
14 years ago
green apple..oways dat sour..>.<
xiaoss says
14 years ago
liang lik ma...he oways used to keep fit..
xiaoss says
14 years ago
he said eat liao no need eat rice
xiaoss says
14 years ago
mie ng says
14 years ago
hahha... thn i better dont eat more .. lolz
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