DoraTheInternetExplorer says
14 years ago
I'm sooo shock tt there is such thing as orang sembah setan dan jin, one of them is lady gaga. korg nk tau? aku bilang link die.. (unsure)
latest #10
Princetongurl says
14 years ago
nak link die!!
DoraTheInternetExplorer says
14 years ago
Lady GaGa Bad Romance Video Symbolic Interpretation
DoraTheInternetExplorer says
14 years ago
Lady GaGa - Bad Romance Uncovered (Satanic)
intricate_menot says
14 years ago
I thought org Yahudi sembah setan... That's what my ustazah told me. Then she said the song Fallen Angel by Chris Brown has satanic
intricate_menot says
14 years ago
interpretations in it... Hmm...
YayatRoberts says
14 years ago
Yeaa.. We're not supposed to believe it anyway. Different religion. :-))
DoraTheInternetExplorer says
14 years ago
ok, u guys watch this..illuminati - Rihanna Exposed
DoraTheInternetExplorer says
14 years ago
i believe tt there is such thing as this agama called illuminati, we can believe it, BUT we can't be influenced by it:-D
DoraTheInternetExplorer says
14 years ago
Lady Gaga Exposed Satan Worship 2010 n watch this too, its interesting to me laaa, i love to learn new things (dance) (rock)
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