Varsha feels
14 years ago
that i should quit private school..
latest #7
Hellsing says
14 years ago
WTH!!!-.-"....can you make up your mind and choose properly -.-
MissFu says
14 years ago
what happen varsha? i tot is better then in ite?
Varsha says
14 years ago
it's just freaking confusing sia...i serously hate private school.. there is nothing good abt it.. it's exacly the same as secondary
MissFu says
14 years ago
but you paid the school fees for a year alr
Varsha says
14 years ago
ya.. i'm just going to do this course for myself.. and not for other ppl..
Varsha says
14 years ago
what would u know anything that is going on with my life.. sahar
MissFu says
14 years ago
if you think there is other course that you like go for it:-)
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