there's so much to do and I feel like there so little time to do it in...
As it is.. I've/We've been so busy with house stuff that I
didn't order my bouquet.. ;-;
sure we'll work something out!
overwhelmed... not as bad as my mom but still.
hugs a lot. I wish there were more that I could do
if there is anything Parisian you folks would like to have? If not I will just look at your registry lol
hms! We'll have to get back to you on that.
Ooo! Something Parisian. Hmm.. well, if possible a post card would be awesome!
I collect them. ^-^
As for a gift for the both of us. I'm sure whatever you'd choose would be the best! Its sweet of you to wanna do so. *^-^*
gladly send a postcard! Any particular monument/painting/etc you have in mind?
could even send more than one, if you give her the address!
have to see what she can find that would be useful for your new place!
what is a 'very Parisian thing' that wouldn't be expensive...
lol well, some things arent too expensive if you know where to look
wouldn't ship you furniture or something, though
Dang! There goes my idea to ask for a chair shaped like the Eiffel Tower.
not seen such a thing haha
I'm not too familiar with things that's from Paris other than the Eiffel Tower.. ^^;
There's cafes.
I'm sure anything you pick with be awesome!
Something pretty. Something romantic, shiny.
Bryan and I like teas and coffee (I'm new at this coffee thing)
if you have or requested a teapot on the registry?
No we have not. But then we do have one of those. Nothing special. Just a tea pot. Its metal with a black handle.
hmmm how about one that's for serving tea, instead of for heating the water?
if you have a particular color scheme of china or anything?
Bryan likes shades of green. I like shades of pink. Purple is pretty, too. And then black.
We use mom's dishes now. Her stuff is kinda retro.
She has had most of her stuff for a long time.
a Parisian teapot would be so cool and unique!
lol idk how unique they are
need your address anyway!
I sent you the address through Facebook just now. ^-^
thanks! Keep in mind you may not get your wedding present until quite some time after the wedding lol
Its okay.
That's why I said in the msg on Facebook by the time you send it we'll be Bryan and Amanda Todd. :>
YAYY there better be lots of pics
of the wedding, and the house!
There will be TONS of pics, no doubt.
to be able to look and squee haha