16 years ago
If you know me, I thrive on irony! We are in Google Offices in Chicago and the wireless connections is brutally slow IMO!
latest #9
techtiger says
16 years ago
I was shocked about that. My hotel wireless was better.
smeech says
16 years ago
he might switch to using IPhone 3G at this rate...
Teryl hopes
16 years ago
y'all have a great day-slow Internet or not
heza says
16 years ago
It just proves that it doesn't matter who you can have tech problems!
heza says
16 years ago
We had a couple minor tech issues during our training session/webinar we facilitated yesterday, and I think it made the teachers feel better
heza says
16 years ago
to see us fumble and recover a bit with tech.
smeech says
16 years ago
heza: I have coupon I give after session w/ teachers that doesn't go totally smooth to cover a duty of their sometime.
heza says
16 years ago
smeech - great idea! thanks for sharing.
16 years ago
the digital version of the cobbler's children going shoeless, eh? (annoyed)
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