VoidWillis! says
14 years ago
Ozimal owners.. HALP. Why do my rabbits randomly start starving themselves? There is plenty of food and water out.
latest #16
14 years ago
anorexic bunnies :-(
RosieB says
14 years ago
Mine started to do the same thing. I can tell you what I did that seemed to help.
RosieB says
14 years ago
I re-set their "home" and their "range" -- the food has to be within their home-range for them to find it so I just sat them all near the
RosieB says
14 years ago
food and gave them new "home" and reiterated their ranges. Most of them are eating now.
Gawn Fishin says
14 years ago
oki cokes, i've tried that I think but it won't hurt to try again! I;ll have a jig around.
Little Sunshine
14 years ago
mine do that all the time even when they are practically sitting in the water bowl, it usually happens when i move them around... I just
Little Sunshine
14 years ago
pick them up and put them back down by the bowl and it fixes the problem
14 years ago
Same thing happened to one of mine, he kept dying but there was plenty of food out.
14 years ago
What you might want to check though, is that their nutrition is set to the level of your food.
Gawn Fishin says
14 years ago
ya, he's going down again now but grrr, how will he boink if he's starving! Typical man.
Tara Voskhod says
14 years ago
it's a known issue right now. All we can do is keep an eye on them and try to work around it until there's a fix. (unsure)
Mrs.P says
14 years ago
dude, it's cos you named them after us, and we're difficult
Saiyge says
14 years ago
if you file a ticket at the support site they will send someone out for a housecall, sometimes it helps
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