14 years ago
yawns, all groggy eyed as he carries a stack of sheet music down the hallway.
latest #12
14 years ago
Bonjour, Autriche~ *smiles dazzingly*
14 years ago
jumps at least three feet in the air out of shock, dropping the papers which fly everywhere. He came out of NOWHERE--!!
14 years ago
gapes, silently.... "...y-you didn't see that!" He bends down, red-faced and embarassed, scrambling to pick up the papers.
14 years ago
*laughs amiably as he bends down to help gather up the scattered papers* je suis désolé~ didn't notice you vere zis distracted.
14 years ago
frowns (though it's nearly a pout.) "I was not distracted. It is too early in the morning to surprise people like that!"
14 years ago
*smiles charmingly at the pout,handing over the papers* désolé~ mais you did seem to 'ave your 'ead up in ze clouds a little. *headtilt*
14 years ago
takes them and puts them on the top of his stack, picking it up again. "...I don't get much sleep. Mornings are bad for me."
14 years ago
You do look tired,mon chéri. *cups your cheek,peering at your face*do you sleep enough?
14 years ago
steps back, pulling away from the hand on his (blushing) face. "I-I just said that I don't! Listen instead of staring me down!"
14 years ago
*chuckles amiably,shaking his head* désolé..I vas distracted,yes~ vhat I meant to ask is vhy don't you sleep enough?
14 years ago
*is walking past the hallways in a hurry, with noises buzzing around her, while carrying a ton of books for cookery class*
14 years ago
*accidentally bumps into Austria but did not notice, due to the books covering her view* a-ah, I'm sorry, sir! *quickly bows and walks away*
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