Incredible Lxn wants
14 years ago
to tell ah teo ya hui : "Don't drink too much coffee lah wuzhun's wife!" Hahaha. X:
latest #7
Yuki.tyh says
14 years ago
haha kk luh, i will try lo ok? superpanda... haha :-D
Incredible Lxn says
14 years ago
LOL! lmao. nvm i superpanda gd ma LOL. only his superpanda LMAO!!! *bhb-ing* LOL. :-P
Yuki.tyh says
14 years ago
Aisey... muz learn the zhong ji san guo liao wear the sunglasses like tt >>> B-) haha :-D
Incredible Lxn says
14 years ago
LOL!!!! lmao , i still ma chao chi cao neh. LOL
Yuki.tyh says
14 years ago
HAHA... LOL sia u... take yr superpanda btr luh, fly until the bamboo poles dere... haha!!! :-P
Incredible Lxn says
14 years ago
Yuki.tyh says
14 years ago
haha bcos hungry liao mah... den go n hug n eat the bamboo stick... haha :-P
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