christoff_004 says
14 years ago
wth.. quiz tom!?? hate quizzes during summer!!!! (angry) X-(
latest #9
x_chan says
14 years ago
christoff_004 says
14 years ago
x_chan says
14 years ago
toffer004: long time no plurk. hahaha
christoff_004 says
14 years ago
yeah. too busy. and tooo lazy
x_chan says
14 years ago
toffer004: hahahaha. it shows..
christoff_004 says
14 years ago
that's our life. fast-phasing. and not so cooooooooool :-D
x_chan says
14 years ago
toffer004: and we would be so damned to waste it on quizzes right?? hahahaha.. lets paaaarrrrttttteeeeeeeeyyyyyyyyyyy. hahaha
christoff_004 says
14 years ago
naaaahhhhh. we hav internship til next month.. can't go
x_chan says
14 years ago
toffer004: ouch.. (annoyed)
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