in NYC after a long drive with her dad and her kids
latest #16
heya - want to get together at some point?
haven't seen you or the kids in ages
we're leaving again early Sunday, and hanging out with my sister and her kids tomorrw
if you wanted to schlep up to Riverdale, it could be a possibility
can't - got writing work to do tomorrow. Was going into town for the renn faire at the Cloisters Sunday, but that's about it
well, Cloisters is a hop skip and a jump from Riverdale
er, next time...or I'll hae to come to Boston
I think 10 am to 5 or 6 pm
but if Marc is driving, I doubt I'd be there before 1 pm
I can call you once I have a clue as to what plans are
hmm, I have to be at work early Monday and it was a 5.5-hour drive down due to stops
call sounds like a good plan
Or leave it fo another time
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