josh wlecome home and ben welcome back home
latest #55
he has a facebook account
but i wonder if hes the real home
yeah that's what im thinking too...if he's the real one.....
some tmes i am not sher a bout josh becues i dot thank madine is home yet from the trip
he has no twitter but my friends tweeted that he has
i dot thank libera is back yet
they were talking about how handsome he is and his profile pic in facebook.....hehe
i wonder if he will benice
some times i am naver sher a bout tom
music videos and stuff....
yes funny he did not go to tour with libera
i dot thank he can not stand something of touring hes don it all of his lifr
hehe tired of being jet lagged....
yes i know and i thank mini ben was on here weeksa go too
he went on ben??
funny i have not seen him on here befor
yay! there are people online!
it was on sam picuter that i have
and it said mini ben here
yes i have josh picuter ben and sam
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