chocolala wants
14 years ago
a 3D相機
latest #21
pucky says
14 years ago
what's that?
Katy says
14 years ago
i had the same question in mind
chocolala says
14 years ago
u can take 3d pix + films I guess
chocolala says
14 years ago
seems so cool
chocolala says
14 years ago
katykuo: is it even on the market yet ?
Katy says
14 years ago
i haven't heard of it.. you sure you not imagining things? XD
chocolala says
14 years ago
did u see the link stupid lol
chocolala says
14 years ago
things are advancing faster than u think haha
Katy says
14 years ago
no ar where's the link?
chocolala says
14 years ago
can u see the website ??
Katy says
14 years ago
i can now~~~~
Katy says
14 years ago
生果日報 wtf HAHAHAHA
Katy says
14 years ago
is that a legitimate newspaper in HK?
chocolala says
14 years ago
i don't know .. i usually read this one ..caz it's an illegal free online verison
chocolala says
14 years ago
and lots of stuff to read about hehe
pucky says
14 years ago
i can't imagine what it's like...
pucky says
14 years ago
everything comes in 3D now: 1
koei says
14 years ago comes to me a joke i accidentally make last weekabout i phone...i will tell u girls later, it so stupid
chocolala says
14 years ago
(LOL)this story better be good and u better sound stupid .. jk
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