Carteram is
14 years ago
trying to figure out how to convert her word document into a PDF document without messing up the margins or page size (5.5 x 8.5)...ideas?
latest #8
GingerLewman says
14 years ago
Apple/Mac or PC?
GingerLewman says
14 years ago
For Mac, File>Print then in expanded print window, see the PDF in the lower left hand corner. Drop down to Save as PDF.
Carteram says
14 years ago
I'm on my Mac right now...was trying to do it on a PC earlier and the margins went all crazy
GingerLewman says
14 years ago
Carteram says
14 years ago
I know...frustrating. I was using the school's pdf converter and had to change the page size to 5.5 x 8.5 and the bottom margin was like 3
Carteram says
14 years ago
inches or something crazy
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