seuil shares
14 years ago
春天讀書會/愚人節亂亂毒書會-『監視與懲罰』(四):溫和的懲罰 面對惱人的疑難雜症,難道只有一種藥到病除的妙方嗎?當然不是!然而最後的結果,卻很吊詭的,仍然只存在著一種解藥,它,就是:監獄! :-& :-& :-&
latest #157
seuil says
14 years ago
本章節思考的焦點問題如下,請參考: (drinking)
seuil says
14 years ago
seuil says
14 years ago
即什麼是文本中,Michel Foucault 筆下與意識形態/符號技術有關的六個原則?
seuil says
14 years ago
2. 舊制中所謂“監獄”的角色/功能是什麼?而新制中改革者-啓蒙學者們,其意圖賦予“監獄”的新角色/功能,又是什麼?
seuil says
14 years ago
3. 一般而言,重視罪犯再教育制度的改革者-啓蒙學者們,對於“監獄”持較排斥的態度。
seuil says
14 years ago
seuil says
14 years ago
seuil says
14 years ago
4. 最後一個問題,也是本章節的結語提問。
seuil says
14 years ago
seuil says
14 years ago
Brie says
14 years ago
布里的第四次 口供 ~~!
Brie says
14 years ago
Devils Island Devil's Island 參考電影 一 :-P
Brie says
14 years ago
Papillon Papillon 參考電影 二之一 :-(
Brie says
14 years ago
Papillon- Ending Papillon - Ending 參考電影 二之二 (unsure)
Brie says
14 years ago
Brie says
14 years ago
Megadeth - Devils Island (Rock in Rio, 1991) Megadeth - Devils Island (Rock in Rio, 1991) 提神用 .... (banana_cool)
Brie says
14 years ago
seuil says
14 years ago
BrieCheng: (thinking) 只認識那兩個大明星,電影沒看過....
seuil says
14 years ago
是說蝴蝶.... :-D
seuil says
14 years ago
BrieCheng: ”布里 對於 權力結構越來越有感覺/ 發現自己也監禁在共犯結構之內 .“ 恭喜恭喜! 幫兇和囚犯是你我共同的角色啊!(goodluck)
Brie says
14 years ago
按照作息時間表 偶應該明早再來 ~ (drinking) (beer ~ beer ~ i'm coming ~) (wave)
Brie says
14 years ago
(So many Qs ... ... ...)
L'Étranger. says
14 years ago
seuil says
14 years ago
jeagle: 大嘴巴 万凸3  愛不愛我 完整版HQ MV 我的家人在這首歌裡耶!分享...
seuil says
14 years ago
**The penitentiary was first opened by Emperor Napoleon III's government in 1852,
seuil says
14 years ago
and (Devil's Island) became one of the most infamous prisons in history....(wiki)這個魔鬼島是法國十九世紀的監獄島...最有名的政治犯,就是小說家Zola為他的冤獄控訴的軍官:Dreyfus :-)
seuil says
14 years ago
jeagle: 你還沒睡?? (woot) (我的文被你截斷了。 (LOL)
seuil says
14 years ago
jeagle: 最可愛的那兩個.... (tongue)
L'Étranger. says
14 years ago
((不敢回應了..... (blush)→還是回了..... (unsure)
seuil says
14 years ago
(其實這一個章節,MF筆下,真正的**監獄**還沒有成型... :-)
seuil says
14 years ago
jeagle: 為什麼不敢?
L'Étranger. says
14 years ago
截斷文章了..... (blush) :-P
seuil says
14 years ago
jeagle: 沒關係啊!看得出來的... (LOL) (cozy) (天音:你實在太嚴肅了啊!唉!)
L'Étranger. says
14 years ago
(blush) (cozy) :-P (LOL)
seuil says
14 years ago
jeagle: 台灣幾點了?你真的考試都結束了?
L'Étranger. says
14 years ago
L'Étranger. says
14 years ago
seuil says
14 years ago
jeagle: 宿舍的朋友們,還是熱鬧在談笑嗎? :-D
L'Étranger. says
14 years ago
L'Étranger. says
14 years ago
L'Étranger. says
14 years ago
seuil says
14 years ago
jeagle: 我待會會噗Michel Foucault的(英文)文摘,等你考完試再看看能不能把中文的部份也貼出來好嗎? :-)
seuil says
14 years ago
jeagle: 你好貼心啊!把截斷文字的噗刪了!而我也沒力氣噗英文文摘了。慢慢來吧 。....)
july ♪ says
14 years ago
seuil早安 (wave)
qapan says
14 years ago
seuil: 午安...
Brie says
14 years ago
毒書會的解藥: The Mind Is Its Own Beautiful Prisoner --- e. e. cummings :-))
Brie says
14 years ago
Brie says
14 years ago
關於 Rasphuis of AmsterdamGravensteen 城堡 的一部分, 功能是 銼木 ~ (gym)
Brie says
14 years ago
... 伯爵城堡(荷蘭文:Gravensteen)是一座位於荷蘭南荷蘭省萊頓的古蹟。 ... 始建於13世紀早期。
Brie says
14 years ago
起初它是荷蘭伯爵(de graven van Holland)的私人監獄, ... 1463年,好人菲利普(Filips de Goede)將該房產售予萊頓市。 (money)
Brie says
14 years ago
此後它便成為萊茵蘭的監獄(gevangenis voor Rijnland)以及 市立監獄(stedelijke gevangenis)。
Brie says
14 years ago
Brie says
14 years ago
Brie says
14 years ago
Brie says
14 years ago
Brie says
14 years ago
The Rasphuis was founded after the torture of 16 year-old assistant tailor Evert Jansz. (unsure)
Brie says
14 years ago
Jansz confessed, as a result of the torture, to theft on two occasions from his boss. B-)
Brie says
14 years ago
The usual punishment for this was public flogging, :'-(
Brie says
14 years ago
but the city council decided to try to rehabilitate Fransz, who was from a good background. (thinking)
Brie says
14 years ago
Under the influence of Dirck Volkertszoon Coornhert and C.P. Hooft 8-)
Brie says
14 years ago
the city decided, on 19 June 1589, to build a prison. (woot)
Brie says
14 years ago
Shortly after the opening, Jansz was sentenced to a light beating and forced labour; he never took the rasp. :-P
Brie says
14 years ago
Brie says
14 years ago
The founding of the Rasphuis signified a sea-change in Dutch correctional thinking. (blush)
Brie says
14 years ago
Until then it was universally believed that criminals needed to be punished. (angry)
Brie says
14 years ago
In the Rasphuis, the effort was made to instill a sense of order and duty into the young men.
Brie says
14 years ago
The Rasphuis was thus intended as an institute for rehabilitation. (eyerolll)
Brie says
14 years ago
Over the entrance gate, which still stands, is the inscription ... 'Wild beasts must be tamed by men'. (haha)
Brie says
14 years ago
Those who chose not to work, were locked into a cellar, which could then be filled with water. (evil_grin)
Brie says
14 years ago
The prisoner was provided with a handpump, and as such could choose to pump or drown. (evilsmirk)
Brie says
14 years ago
Within a few years, however, the Rasphuis began to be exploited as a source of cheap labour (nottalking)
Brie says
14 years ago
... and the rehabilitation goals envisaged by the founders were lost. (ninja)
Brie says
14 years ago
More and more adults were incarcerated in the Rasphuis. (drinking)
Brie says
14 years ago
A secret section was created where families could lock up uncontrollable or ... crazy relatives, at their own cost. (ninja)
Brie says
14 years ago
At a fee, the Rasphuis could be visited, (party)
Brie says
14 years ago
for example by families wishing to let their children see what would become of them if they were not well-behaved. :-(
Brie says
14 years ago
.. .. ..
Brie says
14 years ago
During the French occupation of the Netherlands the cities lost their right to impose monopolies and this monopoly too, came to an end.
Brie says
14 years ago
In 1815 the Rasphuis was closed. :-)
Brie says
14 years ago
... ...
Brie says
14 years ago
司法女神的眼睛是 矇住 的 ~ (banana_cool)
Brie says
14 years ago
司法的良心是什麼 ? 還是它毋需良心 ? ... (thinking)
Brie says
14 years ago
qapan says
14 years ago
為什麼要矇眼? 或許是因為司法女神的眼睛會說話, 毋需動口... :-)
qapan says
14 years ago
BrieCheng :於是我從銼木(?)一路追尋到Wiki... (多謝Yahoo字典) (LOL)
Allen says
14 years ago
晚安呀~ :-P
seuil says
14 years ago
BrieCheng: 太感謝阿姆斯特丹這個Rasphuis的說明和摘錄了! :-D
seuil says
14 years ago
seuil says
14 years ago
Rasphuis當然也是監獄,不過還是與現在“監獄”的概念不一樣。在本書裡提到的其他類似行為矯正監禁中心,MF筆下稱之為Maison de force ,字面上可以譯成:強制監禁中心。荷蘭這個建造於十六世紀(1596),歷史最久遠。
seuil says
14 years ago
seuil says
14 years ago
以上,在於說明與比較MF文本中,什麼是“監獄”所指涉的意義。年代很重要,請參考。 :-)
seuil says
14 years ago
BrieCheng: 你在轉眼睛的那句:The Rasphuis was thus intended as an institute for rehabilitation. 我認為這才是啓蒙學者反對監獄卻又以Rasphuis為例,思考新penal system的原因。 :-))
Brie says
14 years ago
seuil: :-)) (Nothing else could be figured then ...)
seuil says
14 years ago
qapan: 噗文這張圖就是Rasphuis,是男監禁中心,另有spinhuis,是女監禁中心。Brie翻成“銼木監獄”與“紡織監獄”。而他們可以說是現代**監獄**的祖師爺哪!真好,這回你也追到wiki了,哈哈。不過Brie幾乎都摘下了啊! (LOL)
seuil says
14 years ago
ohwellvencent: 哇!你還是都沒睡覺嗎?我很擔心將會有老花眼,你也多多保重啊!請參考以下影片。 (goodluck) 改善老花眼 3-3
seuil says
14 years ago
july7: 早安!可以考慮作一節 Dance Fitness (tongue) Dance Dance Dance Fitness
Brie says
14 years ago Isolation is the first step to supervise, to intervene, to subject ... B-) (costly though ...)
seuil says
14 years ago
BrieCheng: e.e.cummings那首詩,哇!很情色啊!越讀越喜歡...謝謝喔!(天音:.......解藥........ :'-( :-P
Brie says
14 years ago
(money) Sooner or later, budget becomes the only concern ? Death penalty is cheaper ? Crime can never be compensated ? (thinking)
Brie says
14 years ago
http://i383.photobucket.... (unsure) (What the Enlightenment has left us now ? ...)
seuil says
14 years ago
再註:前面寫到Rasphuis-“建造於十六世紀末(1596),歷史最久遠。” 補充說明一下,是現代監獄的雛形(祖師爺)Rasphuis之建立,其實跟荷蘭是全世界資本主義最早成型的國家(還有UK),有著密切的關係。 :-)
Brie says
14 years ago
(money) Life imprisonment ~ (money)
seuil says
14 years ago
BrieCheng: (wave) 晚安!先去睡覺... (cozy)
Brie says
14 years ago
(wave)(sleeping) is the rescue ~
Brie says
14 years ago
(Why not let death penalty replaced by sleeping ...) (thinking)
qapan says
14 years ago
BreiCheng :除非是讓他一覺醒不起來... (LOL)
Allen says
14 years ago
晚安~ :-)
Sovy 2B says
14 years ago
seuil: A chronology of prison system in France from 1656 to 1827.
seuil says
14 years ago
BrieCheng: “Why not let death penalty replaced by sleeping ...”,可以再說清楚一點嗎? (woot)
seuil says
14 years ago
qapan: 我想Brie的意思當然就是要讓死刑犯一睡不醒,不然這個提議就很奇怪了!我想他是在計算社會成本吧! :-)) 又你可以從國家暴力,結論到死刑犯比人權被侵犯的無辜民眾少,這才是讓我佩服到想一睡不醒啊!哈哈! (griltongue)
seuil says
14 years ago
Yves30:Tks for CNRS's reference. :-)
seuil says
14 years ago
Bastille was already one of the national prisons before 1667,could you compare its status with Rasphuis' ?
Sovy 2B says
14 years ago
seuil: Bastille as a prison dates from Richelieu (~1620). It was one of the principal prisons for detaining "VIP"s by order of the king
Sovy 2B says
14 years ago
called "lettres de cachet" without any judgment. Moreover Bastille was an imposing fortress, marking the king's authority in Paris
Sovy 2B says
14 years ago
There were symbolic reasons for the "Prise de la Bastille" in 1789, although the real reasons were the storage of powder and cannons...
seuil says
14 years ago
Yves30: So, Bastille is quite different from the conception of the Enlightment's reformers about the so-called "prison“, according to MF ?
seuil says
14 years ago
ohwellvencent: 午安!看到你給馬統打100分了! (goodluck)
Sovy 2B says
14 years ago
seuil: Yes, absolutely. Bastille was only a place of detention, either pending trial or for opponents to the king,...
Sovy 2B says
14 years ago
whereas Rasphuis, as well as its Gand, UK and US imitators, were "reform houses" through labour, generally for poor people
Sovy 2B says
14 years ago
convicted of minor crimes, or begging, etc..., the idea being tranforming them into honest craftsmen or entrepreneurs :-)
seuil says
14 years ago
Yves30: Would you say the function of this kind of "Force House" like Rasphuis is relatively more so-called economic
seuil says
14 years ago
even through the old penal system, or you just mean the social context in Netherlands at that time was more capitalist ?
Sovy 2B says
14 years ago
I think the Rasphuis belongs to a new context, both intellectual (Amsterdam was more liberal) and economic (birth of modern capitalism).
Allen says
14 years ago
晚安(台灣時間)~ 美女 :-P
seuil says
14 years ago
ohwellvencent: 三次晚安啦!帥哥! (goodluck)
Allen says
14 years ago
seuil: 昨天 這陣子 好嗎 ? 還是有想到妳咧 ~ :-D
seuil says
14 years ago
ohwellvencent: 哇!謝謝你有想我,有空也要想一下Michel Foucault啊! (woot) 以及作作上面那個眼睛體操....嘿!馬統與小英辯論跑場喔! :-D
seuil says
14 years ago
Yves30: Pls explain more about what "liberal " is. Is it the French or English signification? :-)
seuil says
14 years ago
ohwellvencent: 離題應景一下,這裡小英有把開始的放水追回來..台灣產業結構,東協不是對手!... 20100425 ECFA辯論(含新台灣加油!)26 /14
Allen says
14 years ago
seuil: 妳真好 ~ (drinking)
seuil says
14 years ago
ohwellvencent: 我真怕快要老花眼了。 (drinking) .....台灣在中國最大的競爭者是日本和韓國,什麼狗屎的東協加一啊?還零關稅?對這位馬統一句話啦,就是把台灣人當下等人,非常明顯。這是一場左右之辯,而且我非常確定馬統是化過妝的極右派!!!!!
seuil says
14 years ago
小英:馬統先生,回答我回答我!20100425 ECFA辯論(含新台灣加油!) 26/15
Allen says
14 years ago
seuil: 最讓人產生 極為深刻印象 的是 綠卡不用自然 或 自動地 生效 ! (angry) 我隱約感覺他這是怕美國掀他底牌 便靠到中國去 但也消極的購買武器 美國也不希望他會將 由來已久台美軍事機密資訊散佈(現在應該已改變原有資訊 減少傷害) 所以不掀 ! 他 ! 真爛~
Sovy 2B says
14 years ago
seuil: Here it's the English (American) meaning, about liberal political ideas. French "libéral" means conservative or "classical liberal"
Sovy 2B says
14 years ago
which means, economic liberalism only or "market fundamentalism" :-)
Sovy 2B says
14 years ago
BrieCheng: Is "sleeping" the gentle way of death penalty ?
Sovy 2B says
14 years ago
Besides, "gentle way" is the translation for "douceur" which also means "dessert" in French.
Sovy 2B says
14 years ago
So, do you suggest that the last supper for a capital convict ends with a dessert containing a substance that lets sleeping forever ? :-P
Brie says
14 years ago
2B or not 2B ... (thinking)
Sovy 2B says
14 years ago
BrieCheng: Surely, 2B :-D
qapan says
14 years ago
seuil: 咦? 這裡講的是「溫和的懲罸」吧! 而國家暴力是另一層次, 跟主題應該無關...
seuil says
14 years ago
BrieCheng: 嘿會長!我好不容易才把Sovy2B誘惑來讀書會,你竟然劈頭就懷疑他的身份?....請你不要嚇走我們的訪客啊! (griltongue)
seuil says
14 years ago
qapan: 這裡連防老花眼的眼睛運動,十九世紀的監獄都在了,講點小英和馬統也很爽啊!何況國家暴力恰恰恰...好是啓蒙學者關心的,就別說Foucault了,怎麼跟主題無關呢?
Brie says
14 years ago
seuil: To be sleeping, or not to be ... (unsure)
seuil says
14 years ago
ohwellvencent: 綠卡的事情還有好戲在後頭的!而統媒一定會說他辯論得好啊讚啊!這些都不意外。話說我昨天很晚了,突然靈機一動開三十公里路跑出去喝啤酒,喝一種Leffe Ruby 櫻桃口味的啤酒,甜甜的,好喝。
Allen says
14 years ago
seuil: 三十公里 !! (woot) 辛苦妳了~ (cozy) 這酒會不會只適合女孩子喝 (thinking)
Allen says
14 years ago
seuil: 更正>>自動地 生效 ! >>失效 ! (blush)
seuil says
14 years ago
ohwellvencent: 沒辦法,我是住在鄉下的村姑啊!那啤酒形象像是給女生喝的,男生也可以喝的吧!度數也有五度倒是。對了,水果不是櫻桃,而是小紅果子,以覆盆子為主。那張照片是wiki上的,完全是我那天喝的樣子。(杯子)。
Allen says
14 years ago
seuil says
14 years ago
ohwellvencent: 其實我家冰箱就有一瓶750ml的Leffe Ruby,星晴天晚上我就是想出門去玩啦!應該說出門常常可以更專心作手上的事情。在家裡很容易分心。 (LOL)
Allen says
14 years ago
seuil: " Leffe Ruby " 沒聽過 ! 是很好的酒嗎 ?
seuil says
14 years ago
ohwellvencent: 就是中古時期到今天,比利時僧侶釀的啤酒啊!台灣沒有嗎?
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