Germaine ت asks
14 years ago
if Bugis / Town got any LG Outlet can fix LG phone? (unsure)
latest #13
林小姐 ♥ says
14 years ago
Cwp have =x
Germaine ت says
14 years ago
Too far !! :-( Hahah.
vivo have too. :/
Germaine ت says
14 years ago
Yeah, but quite far ;/ Town / bugis got?
hehe, that i dontknow. only know vivo have. :-D
Germaine ت says
14 years ago
Hehe okay nvmd thx anyw :-) Wheelock place got!
Cab there. :
Haha. Lols, not using lg now le. lg sucks. :/
fcuk,yawen ! says
14 years ago
babe tampines 1 have it
Germaine ت says
14 years ago
Cindylove93: Haha, nvmd tmr I see orchard thr gt not, if dont have thn go tamp's one. :-) Yea alot ppl say it sucks.
Germaine ت says
14 years ago
Yawenn: Thanks. :-)
Yeahs. :/ Lols. Tabulet tahan go change another model. :/
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