yes, your karmas will be helped.
Yeah it'll help...just don't get discouraged about tends to creep along...
aloha thanks for friending me you may regret it though now lol
Be sure to fill out your "about" section too, that helps
put out the bat signal for ya
now I have to find a pic for
SunnyD so she can see your ugly mug
Be nice or I will get THE DOANLD on here
I have heard plenty about him..haha
hey be nice to my new friend
I somehow am feeling like I am missing part of the joke?
he's a fucker...I told you stories, remember
say Im wonderboy, he is wonderboy's arch nemisis
About Donnie yeah....but somehow Mr Vinny here has been faily elusive in your stories
oh Vinny knows first hand of the devils doings
he has been on the receiving end many many times
get you mind out of the gutter
I just PISSED myself, almost!
I am cracking up right now! RELAX I won't bring The Donald unless prevoked
Didn't know I could use that type of language here
I think I might be afraid of this Donald person...
Haha..might be interesting though to see what kind of hijinks he would get up to...haha
You don't want to go there, trust me. I don't even know you all, but you just woundn't want that
YES, and he has a counterpart,like Batman has Robbin, he has a Wheeler is it that this man is still upright and breathing if he's such a shit?? haha
He's mellowed with age, unless he has a chance to get at SoSolitary
Well that and maybe his wife started beating the shit out of him for it...haha
need to get to my desktop
Wow dude...maybe you should have stayed a couple..haha..the man even LOOKS like you!
your just givin Vinny ammo
Kipper is my former room mate of 8 years...the joke is we are husband and wife
haha sorry...I just couldn't resist
how is your sweetie these days?
I called dickwad when I went to the UP to spread some of Kris's ashes two weekends ago
so you at work still or are you pullin bankers hours again?\
yeah,Linda is out today and I have to close. Then its off to Bens soccer practice
I talked to the sheetrocker to the gays last week the day after the big OSU/USC game and I think he was still drunk