bethgo is
16 years ago
not so sure i can handle plurk + brightkite + twitter... :-(
latest #12
creamhackered says
16 years ago
Hey Beth :-)
16 years ago
hey you!! nice to see ya here!
creamhackered says
16 years ago
everyone is slowly getting here. I like being able to see replies properly - twitter is bad for that with it's "@"
16 years ago
yah, i just wish i could still post in one place and have it go out to all of my networks.
shellen says
16 years ago
... I agree. Now I have to worry about my karma!
Yolanda says
16 years ago
I was just thinking the same thing. I don't want to visit a bazillion different places and say the same thing at all of them.
biznickman says
16 years ago
yeah it's a bit overwhelming :/
16 years ago
mrgraham says
16 years ago
what is brightkite?
thecolor says
16 years ago is great for muttinetworks. feedtweeter does plurk to twitter.
16 years ago
It's tough.. Except I have twitterfeed set up so my plurks go to twitter.. But still have to check twitter ..
thecolor says
16 years ago
tazdog I'm in the same vote. I do like not having to post multiple times, but still have much to read!
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