mommy_wins says
16 years ago
294 emails - yay me!
latest #9
16 years ago
how long have you not checked?
mommy_wins says
16 years ago
'bout two days. Lots of junk, lots of old comments I just won't delete until I've read.
mommy_wins says
16 years ago
I was SO far behind on email that I should just delete everything before a certain date, but just can't. I'm a geek that way.
16 years ago
does that, too. I can't delete an unread email for anything.
mommy_wins says
16 years ago
I actually read some, then mark them as unread if there's a reason I want to go back to it later - REEELY need to break myself of that habit
KilaWI says
16 years ago
I do that too. I set up a ton of folders in my email for filing away the emails I already read but want to save.
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