antonl21 is
15 years ago
any Death Note fanatics here??
latest #20
galeaya says
15 years ago
here's one! XD
antonl21 says
15 years ago
ahhaha!who's side are you?
15 years ago
antonl21 says
15 years ago
haah!and Why?
galeaya says
15 years ago
though I don't agree with how he chooses his "victims", I agree with his philosophy...
galeaya says
15 years ago
I wasn't too keen with him using his "powers" for his gain, either..
galeaya says
15 years ago
but he was right thinking that his way is effective, as compared with the "legal" way...
antonl21 says
15 years ago
yeah..but the death's were immoral.hehe..
antonl21 says
15 years ago
I oppose with Light's way..hehe..but I like the death note..hehe
galeaya says
15 years ago
yes, I agree they were immoral in way because we weren't ever really assured that the people he killed were guilty...
galeaya says
15 years ago
but only because of that.. XD
galeaya says
15 years ago
I actually think Raito had thought of a good idea of using the note... though I do agree that he got carried away...
antonl21 says
15 years ago
yup.Light just wanted to judge and eliminate all of the criminals and those who's blocking his way..hehe.
antonl21 says
15 years ago
And Near was a great opponent..hehe
galeaya says
15 years ago
I think L was a greater opponent.. XD
antonl21 says
15 years ago
Yeah!I just said that Near's great.but honestly, L's my favorite character.hehe..and Ryuk,,and Near!hahaha!
galeaya says
15 years ago
Ryuk made me lol so hard~ About the apples.. dear dear dear apples~
antonl21 says
15 years ago
hohohohoh!!haha!have you heard about the rewrite?
antonl21 says
15 years ago
ei galeaya,,let's contnue our conversation,,ahmm.amybe next time..ehe..tnx for the time!gud nyt!
15 years ago
nytnyt, dearie~
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