"None of the Above" (Brewster's Millions reference)
you just like to stir things up don't you?
Obama FTW, but my family will disown me if I don't vote McCain. Not that I care what they think.
here in Toronto most people I know are backing Obama
were eff'd either way. But feels safer with Obama
The coasts will back Obama, middle McCain
it truly doesn't matter. We Lobbyist know it's just different flavors of the same Kool-Aid
I will be SO happy when this election is OVER
Obama, McCain would just me 4 more years of the crap we are experiencing now
obama in this race, no pun intended
one thing I do know is either way, Twitter will be a trainwreck in Nov. One side will be nanner nanner at the other
Sorry former military here now way McCain all the way
even if it is kool-aid, I love how it tastes. Obama.
I think I'd feel more comfortable voting for The Rock over Barrack
mccain is likely dead already and we all know that reanimation curses are effective for just so long
leaning toward what
plittle just said. (ROFL)
Ronald Reagan, yes i'm writing in a dead man
Mccain is old, and if i could vote, i would vote obama. Cuz Us minorities need to stick together =)
yay for black people!
the election will go to the political party with the best voting machine hackers
not American but if I had a vote it would be Obama
no doubts about overwhelming blue here.
I live in Canada, but if I lived in States I would vote Obama.
Obama not that i want him either but at least he wont flashback freak out and push the nuclear button
it doesn't really matter as our industrial overloards have already picked the winner and the Black Helicopters are already circling.
i think it does not matter since all of them will make the same decisions anyway.
obama (can we use him as an action yet?)
Hope Obama has brains
willing to fight anyone who says McCain.
mccain french fries
miraclebaby has emotional attachments to... politics. Go ahead, fly across the country and come to Oakland. Plurk me when you arrive.
The US voted for Bush TWICE so I expect they'll vote for McCain and get a 3rd term of Bush.
What is McCain, a brand of french fries huh?
Obama as long as hilary isnt VP
this is too dumb to continuefollowing. Vote however you want, whatever happens, you'll probably unhappy with the results anyway.
fartmonkey for president this him --->
Cthulu: why vote for the lesser evil?
Chtulhu is the way. Or Abama, as usual.)
neither my mother nor I will be voting for either of them. I didn't really care for Hillary either, btw.
Ron Paul but will settle for Obama. McCain is completely wrong on the only issue the president has complete authority on: the "war"
the other issues congress also must have a say on, but if the president wants to move troops, he can as executive chief.
who is this extremly stupid guy
LiveCrunch? kick him off
Plurk immediately, please!
if anyone has good reasons for the votes they're mentioning...i hear things like "i'm military so mccain" or minorities should vote for
let's hear your reasons...then it'll be worth watching this thread
most people in this country think very little about politics, and instead parrot garbage they've heard on tv or from some crappy radio host
for sure, and sometimes it feels like things really need to head in another direction and actually might...one reason I'm not affiliated
2 parties is a scam - we need more representation than two simple-minded black & white us vs. them options
or even if we had 4 or 5 parties and some sort of parliamentary set-up like many other countries do...I don't know, I just feel like neither
neither - choosing the lesser of two evils is still choosing **evil**