14 years ago
FML. speaking test sucks.
latest #8
yenling 링엔 says
14 years ago
tomorrow is my speaking test :'-(
14 years ago
speaking test ish over. fever ish over. final isn't over yet. :-( ARGH. never been so stressed out.
14 years ago
what's ur topic about?
yenling 링엔 says
14 years ago
my topic is a what are the criterion that a good neighbour must have....
yenling 링엔 says
14 years ago feeling so stress :-(
valcanon1909 says
14 years ago
o_O lol. same with derrick de. =x
valcanon1909 says
14 years ago
lol. listen to k-pop wont be tht stress d.
yenling 링엔 says
14 years ago
yaya...same v him...
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