meow at your mum.
i miss bradies dad
who doesn't miss bradie's dad.
he should..but then he'd get all confuzzled
does andy have a middle name?
umm probably, but i don't know it :|
imma ask gerald at simple plan hahaha
haha YAY! did you know that andy's sister was at the metro gig?
OMG really? was his little brother tehre too? cause we saw a mini andy
i'm not sure about the brother, but his sister sure was!
because she would've been like wtf? who are you haha
shoulda just been like "oh im bradies new girlfriend, nice to meet you half sister in law"
HAHAHAHAHHAHAH! she would've been like, what about sally sitting over there?!
and you would be like "oh bradie just dumped her, shes jsut here cause her and josie are secretly seeing each other"
hahahhaa :0 imagine if that happened....