14 years ago
suddenly a lot questions pop up into my head... But all of them are come from the main idea of "why i want to be a doctor"...
latest #11
kent_yap says
14 years ago
Some decisions are to be made by your heart , not by your mind . Just follow you inner feeling and you will know which is the best for you
ah_mok says
14 years ago
ah_mok says
14 years ago
hey do you feel like have a gap with them whom their parent are doctor?
ah_mok says
14 years ago
They know a lot medical knowledge but compare to is zero... feel like have a gap with the career as a doctor...
kent_yap says
14 years ago
Huh ?
kent_yap says
14 years ago
dun understand your question
ah_mok says
14 years ago
erm... i mean those students who their parent are doctor seen vy vy different compare to me...
ah_mok says
14 years ago
They gain a lot medical knowledge from the shadowing experience although they are not medical student yet...
kent_yap says
14 years ago
Oh.. Not surprice at all , their parents taught them or them just gain the knowledge by observing their parents .
kent_yap says
14 years ago
No worry , you'll learn as you're a medical student
ah_mok says
14 years ago
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