allgood2 asks
16 years ago
is there really no search function on Plurk? Seems kind of weird. How do you search for your Twitter friends?
latest #12
chigaze says
16 years ago
ASFAIK, there is currently no search function. There is, however, a lot of complaining about the lack of a search function. :-)
16 years ago
I have no idea either. I think Plurk could be useful at events for nptech... but not sure what else really as yet, unless others have ideas
allgood2 says
16 years ago
allgood2 says
16 years ago
laurawhitehead Excepted for the threaded conversations, I'm finding it hard to be useful for work. It's fun though. <3 threaded convo view.
allgood2 thinks
16 years ago
this page view: would be excellent for nptech events.
tokerud says
16 years ago
I'm searching on Summize. If only Summize would let you narrow the :-(
tokerud says
16 years ago
(search) to your twitter friends it would be great. Why my last msg got cut off I don't know.
16 years ago
Would be good for recording comments as they happen for events, and storytelling... but what else?
tokerud says
16 years ago
search would help find like-minded plurkers.
16 years ago
hey tokerud. I don't think Summize does Plurk. Just Twitter. Though I use it for Twitter all the time, especially with tag SMS down.
16 years ago
laurawhitehead I find the fullpage view easier to view, but it doesn't have the fancy javascript updates, like the main page.
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