penatbater has
14 years ago
anyone noticed that jejemon-speak is a derivative of leetspeak?
latest #7
iwantoreos says
14 years ago
what is leetspeak? :-))
chamie says
14 years ago
yea wazat :-o
Panda Panda
14 years ago
(unsure) Jejemon speak has many gratuitous characters, though. And of course the grammar is Filipino rather than English.
14 years ago
kinda. (LOL)
14 years ago
l33tsp35k !5 4 c0mpUt3r g33K5 l!K3 m3
iwantoreos says
14 years ago
ohhhh hahahahaha but it still sounds the same with the english language.. compared to the powhz of jejemons :-o
ɹodnɐʎ says
14 years ago
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