14 years ago
GHAYAT AL-HAKIM FI L-SIHR shop.hauntedcuriosities....
latest #13
bornawildangel shares
14 years ago
bornawildangel shares
14 years ago
This was a grimoire that was for the wise ones. Those that used astrology and magic together.
bornawildangel shares
14 years ago
This was also used by those who studied the true Alchemy.First written in 1200 A.D. this book was passed through many hands including
bornawildangel shares
14 years ago
John Dee and Marsilio Ficino to name a few. What is in the book gives instruction on how to use the stars along with
bornawildangel shares
14 years ago
Alchemy to establish great magic on one subject in which you seek.This information and magical instruction was used
bornawildangel shares
14 years ago
in this case to create a deep and lasting love spell with none of the slavery that most include. Those types of magics
bornawildangel shares
14 years ago
leave you feeling unusually unhappy because you realize that while you love the person it is not real on their part.
bornawildangel shares
14 years ago
To call it a spell is not even true and a wrong choice of words. What is really going on is your lover,soul mate is being found for you and
bornawildangel shares
14 years ago
brought to you. You can ask for nothing as for money or looks because what your meant to have it what your meant to have.
bornawildangel shares
14 years ago
With the darkness that is always around us many times these true soul mates are never located.
bornawildangel shares
14 years ago
Things get in the way and prevent it. With this item it won't happen that way.This is powerful and you will not be unhappy no matter
bornawildangel shares
14 years ago
what the outcome because when you meet you know they are for you. They are put in your path
bornawildangel shares
14 years ago
so that you do not have to hunt them down. This is a ring in real sterling silver and Gemstones.
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