when you free? im gonnna go visit you
cuz im moving back in Nov
so either you come visit me or ill go visit you
but i think LA is better right?
oh i dont know if i could visit you any time soon
cuz i was trying to call you
i'll see if i can go visit
yeah i know my sis told me
but you let your sis to answer the phone
or you and daniel can come up haha
she was using my phone......
not that i didnt wanna answer, but she was hold on my phone..
you didnt know im moving back for good?
thought you were gonna travel in between
but i found a job over there and i like it
where? are you shooting brides?
shooting cd album cover and magazine's cover
tired with wedding years ago
my parents are leaving this weekend
ok let me talk to dan first
but you always free on weekends right?
but you better take us to somewhere fun
like where?? somewhere with beer??
i only drink wine now LOL
that sounds no fun at all.......
do you want to have dinner together on Monday?