LOL you not answering her question lorh lols.
I not in the Sports/UG Taiwan trip. I in cultural de.
Cuz I went in as a councillor. Lol.
So Im the only UG in cultural Taiwan trip. Lol.
LOL so special ahh. haha.
Some more only 5guys, 30+girls going.
My group only me+8girls.
hahahahaha. lollllll. what's with that expression ah? TSK. happy flirting. HAHA.
I was joking lahhs!!!!!!!
If you serious, then you die liao
Ask ppl taupok you.
LOL! hello imma girl okay. -.= LOL.
at least come up with BETTER ideas. LOL
Ask girls taupok you lor.
LOL. ahem. girls very civilised one okay. won't liddat one horh. hahaha.
Then wad abt the Birthday Bash at ACJC/
You all Ncc Girls got taupok your seniors during Rod?
hahahaha. have but less than you all right! hahaha. for me, it only happens privately. LOL.
I think I haven really taupok anyone in my whole life YET.
but seriously, you never mehh. unbelievable.
i really dont believe ._.
Dun believe Im William? LOL.
Ohya I scared I Rod my juniors and same batch taupok me. LOL>
if they do they should video it.
hoho. then i can laugh at you.
Billy got taupoked and stripped half naked by his batch Ncc during Rod.
Whoops. Dun tell him hor. Later he come knock me down. Lol.
hahahah WAH. nahhh i wont tell. if you are the victim then i am more interested to spread it around. hahahaha.
Being the victim of massive taupok. LOL.
its fun. you will only get bruises, and maybe become deaf for awhile. LOL
But for guys, your balls might be crushed. LOL.
Okay Im like abit sick here.
crushed. -.= omg can you imagine.
LOL you disgusting person!
Like seriously taupok? Lol.
Yeah. The PartDs stripped him. LOL.
Hows spec course. Wads the results?