15 years ago
adds that the bars in Alabama close at 2... I miss Louisiana. :-(
latest #9
DragynMarie says
15 years ago
Damn. That sucks! I'll share my cold medicine with you, if you want to get wasted!
judithshakespeare says
15 years ago
thanks. :-) I'm good.
DragynMarie says
15 years ago
Good, 'cause it doesn't seem to be working for me. I still feel every bit of this damn cold!
judithshakespeare says
15 years ago
ugh. Sorry to hear that love. If I had a cold, though, I wouldn't be able to smell that I smell like a brewery...
DragynMarie says
15 years ago
15 years ago
3am in WV sweetie
judithshakespeare thinks
15 years ago
that that gives her 10 minutes to get to WV...
15 years ago
lol, I got a bottle of moonshine that *never* closes!
AmieJay says
15 years ago
Humph...so have you moved to Alabama? If so, welcome to my neck of the woods. :-)
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