在五月中的一个reception见到President Nair,举动感觉慢了很多,但很和蔼可亲.
不知真名,演戏不错,应该红吧. 可在wikipedia找到名字,你欣赏他啊?
对她印象不错....但不好奇...所以应该不会purposely do research on her compared to elsie
i met Mr & Mrs Nair ones at Thai embassy last dec
they are so kind & friendly
xhero, was there some kind of function at e thai embassy when u last met President?
cherly, i didn't noticed the typo as well. hahaha
yes is nathan instead. it was a thai fun fair
泰国展览一定很有趣味,去年三月因先生须到曼谷见产商,女儿与我也跟着去玩及shopping,东西便宜,mekong river is great,也参观了几间庙宇.可惜不能留久.
cherly, what r u editing? by e way is方岺popular? who is she?
cherly, can only edit plurk subject
frens i catch no ball. what r u editing?
xhero-u r rite, jo-e main subject when we first send in, guess u didnt realise it too eh, i nid to be shot lah...
xhero,星卉,不很红,方岑popular ok lah.... Then who is popular in taiwan? who is elsie closest "competitor"? juz like zoe vs fann in spore
xhero,星卉,不很红,方岑popular ok lah.... Then who is popular in taiwan? who is elsie closest "competitor"? juz like zoe vs fann in spore
joanne_koh: u didnt watch e link on e variety tat xhero sent?
elsie n 方岺被邀到'王牌CEO',我们才谈论总统NATHAN.
which link? i hd already watch ed those program before so i do not want to repeat it...
dat ceo program, i hd watch it before liao. i m asking wat r u editing?
so u know who is maggie rite, from Nair change to Nathan lah.
oh so u r refering to editing ur plurk messg..thks...now i catch e ball