不过呢? 我觉得还是要有份工作, 要不日子难过, 变黄脸婆
还有, 有钱有安全感。。。。我从来没有过可靠的,所以要有所保留
恩, 感覺不真實! 我無所謂結不結婚,可是我的處境是皇帝不急太監急
呵呵...好像有人在說我哦. 有工不做在家等待老公養
hey , Coco ! how are you ?
i haven't seen you for a long time
對於我的經驗...金錢是買不到心靈上的快樂. 有一個幸福快樂的家庭比任何更重要.
you have been blessed , Coco!
I just try my best to keep my husband and children healthy and happy
u are so lucky woman who i have never seen be4
not lucky la. Ask sim..I have 2 autistic children
but u have a wonderful man in ur life , that's good enough!
life is not prefect, got one and lost another
yes, i agree with you , but what i wonder is what love is ?? can u guys tell ?
hahaha, i know ! they call me "齊天大聖(剩)” what the hell this is ?
love is some chemistry effect, you miss him when he not around and happy when together
so, you want to be 齊天大聖(剩)or diamond yellow old five
i am happy all the time , i have no problem if i stay single
every time I ask my daughter call her daddy. She said, 你們不是每天都在一起嗎,還打電話干嘛
hehe , 你們很恩愛! Sim, 你試過很愛一個人嗎?
how about the one right now? 为他生,为他死, 为他疯狂 ?
我身邊的朋友沒有一個現在還是已婚的, 全部離婚收場, 這也是我害怕的原因, 我的一個學姐離婚還要被對方分了一半家產, 可惡!
是的, 好的我不介意經歷, 但是我們避免不好的經歷, 因為我知道自己的心靈很脆弱, 呵呵
老了還很恩愛的, 那是你們的那一代, 我們的這一代不是很多。 我不是在說你老, 請不要誤會!
說真的, 我沒有你們倆个这么勇敢。。我不敢自己一個人生活。 因爲我怕老的時候没人照顧。
just kidding
哈哈哈, 好好好, 吃是要吃的, 可是日子也要過的!
哇哇哇, 停止吧! 把大家的隱私都搬出來, 不大好吧?
呵呵, 夠了, 女士們! 越說越離譜了, 哈哈哈。。。。
oh, come on ! u don't want that money !
well, with 2 millions.. I can buy lots of husbands la.
u can buy husbands , but u can't buy love
hey , i really gotta go , ladies!
good night and a sweet dream
nice talking with u guys , thanks again , bye !
It's my pleasure