fussypants asks
16 years ago
why do you plurk? Only b/c Twitter stays borked?
latest #32
typeamom says
16 years ago
I actually keep plurking because I keep getting sucked back in. I think all of Twitter jumped on here and added me as friend! :-D
allthingsjennifer says
16 years ago
I love the idea of Twitter but would like it to WORK. I saw your twit and followed you :-)
Hotfessional feels
16 years ago
it's something new to try. Twitter is making me angry lately.
fussypants says
16 years ago
am I the only old lady that kinda still really loves Twitter. I can work w/ twhirl, up, this is too fun. Can't multitask.
Sarcastic Mom says
16 years ago
I like both. Twitter is great in many ways, so is Plurk. Plurk allows you to build conversations.
Sarcastic Mom says
16 years ago
If you want to do that on Twitter you have to chase the convo piece by piece from page to page and...
Sarcastic Mom says
16 years ago
sometimes you can't figure out HOW or WHERE it started.
Sarcastic Mom says
16 years ago
Plus, I'm a sucker for a good emoticon. LOL
daysgoby says
16 years ago
Twitter goes down a lot. :-P
fussypants says
16 years ago
where lotus goes, fussy goes.
The Hooch says
16 years ago
be nice to plurk and she'll be nice to you
fussypants says
16 years ago
bichonpawz says
16 years ago
seems pretty much the same to me!
SadieCass says
16 years ago
I lurve being able to respond like this. And that it auto-updates. No new program needed to DL
Leanne thinks
16 years ago
Plurk is much better than Twitter. Much more social feeling to me.
Ninja Bitch says
16 years ago
unless I get some karma I will go back to Twitter. Cause a girl needs some Karma
SadieCass says
16 years ago
Magnetoboldtoo I have only been on one day and gotten almost 10 karma, so they must be pretty easy to earn!
Ninja Bitch says
16 years ago
I have been here just over an hour, plurked my heart out (doesn't that sound like vomiting!) and nada on the Karma scale
SadieCass says
16 years ago
magnetoboldtoo That's because they don't update except once a day. You'll see your karma at midnight-ish
Ninja Bitch says
16 years ago
midnight by who? It is 10.30pm in Australia
SadieCass says
16 years ago
Well, it was midnight for me last night. And it hasn't updated since. They say it updates 1/day. Not sure on other specifics. :-)
Ninja Bitch says
16 years ago
don't worry about it, I am sure I will get some one way or another!
bichonpawz says
16 years ago
why do you think plurk is better than twitter?
Poppy says
16 years ago
I like the non-sequitor aspect of Twitter. I love it when someone comes up with a great zinger in 140 characters. (Which I know this isn't.)
OrganicMania says
16 years ago
to keep up on social media
Pregnant♥Meow says
16 years ago
I love exploring new social networks. I'm falling behind, but this one suddenly had a huge following, so I had to check it out!
Spookygirl says
16 years ago
because I am a social media sheep ;-)
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