mrboyer wants
14 years ago
to use Aviary to try and create a podcast from our classroom. Anyone know of an "Aviary for Dummies" tutorial?
latest #6
jthorstad says
14 years ago
I've been playing with it today, too. Would like to have our online students collaborate on projects. Write a jingle, etc. I can't figure
jthorstad says
14 years ago
out if you can "send" your saved creation to someone else to let them work on it, too...
fiveoraiders says
14 years ago
select your instrucment and then your tempo. Click the little dots in the gray area to drop the sound in of the instrument you want
charliemahoney says
14 years ago
There are some on youtube, teachertube and screentoaster:
mrboyer says
14 years ago
Thank you!
AndyTSDC says
14 years ago
yep, charliemahoney knows some stuff
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