not for another two weeks.
saphi: 我覺得生命中有缺憾=有魅力是一件很悲情的事情..
shares 16 years ago
saphi: 我也是,我寧願很平凡很庸俗沒有魅力地過一生
是不知道跟 solo 的時差,不過我跟 saphi 差一個小時而已
對阿 還沒出去看棉花糖哩!! solo你那邊八點啦 有差這多喔@@
thinks 16 years ago
solo 在我要睡覺之前就上來噗浪了
I'm quite "mature", meaning over 30
吼喊:I need my own SPACE!!!
that's why, i was a little disappointed when he came home and said, hey, i don't need to leave you anymore.
but i didn't have the heart to say that to him.
you can always find an excuse to kick ur hubby to sleep on a sofa...... oh wait, you cant XD
I totally can understand why Samantha doesn't want to get married.
thinks 16 years ago
excuse me but Samantha always have someone in her bed... she never sleeps alone!!
saphi: see, i am Samantha in this case.
Solography: but she gets to pick when she wants to have someone sleeping in her bed.
Solography: Hehehe, She doesn't keep them over night after use!!!
gloriachang: dearie, start watching sexy and the city, will you?
oh.. that Samantha in Sex and the City.. there's another show called "Samantha who?"
I believe we are talking about Samantha Jones?
(making a mental note. tell Hank to go back to the sales job so he is never home. )
djnovember: sex and the city in Italian just doesn't right
那Samantha是不是一直喊著:Si Si Si
只有義大利文版的可以看啊~ 不然就要下載,或者是去買 DVD,太累
gloriachang: how do you say, that's it! in italian? and I am coming?
Solography: dude, we might be your friends, but keep those thoughts to yourself!
ok excuse me ladies, not that I don't enjoy talking about sex and the city with you all, but now i need to go find my balls -_-
djnovember: I have no idea. Let me study Sex and the City for few days and I'll get back to you
i'm learning a new language.
a language that might come in handy when i sleep with an italian man.
djnovember: if you want you can get all swear words from me
Just image the pix of Samantha screaming in Italian makes me laugh....
send it to me in an email? when you have time, of course.
saphi: i was thinking exactly the same thing!
oh, Gloria, and this one in italian, i couldn't help but wonder.
Acutally the least charactor that I like is Carrie
Carrie is too "High School" to me.....
ha... I found a video on YouTube ..
shares 16 years ago
and I am way pass High School already!
saphi: man, i wish i had met you earlier in life.
she is the least lovable character out of the four of them.
shares 16 years ago
this' cooler
saphi: 有沒有一種很失落的感覺,義大利文完全就少了那種感覺
saphi: 雖然我很喜歡她的職業,不過,她的價值觀,無法認同。
djnovember: 我覺得完全就是一個不知所措... 聲音也是表演的一部份,配音就有點翻譯作品的感覺,就再也不是原著咯
我比較無法理解為什麼會有女人想要當 Carrie?
Isn't he? he is so gorgeous.
saphi: 我比較想當有工作能力的 Miranda
djnovember: But Miranda always manage to pull herself back together.....
嗯,原來 Sex & the City 可以給人這麼多啟發啊~ 那我真的要好好地來看看了
saphi: 對啊,我都嘛有一搭沒一搭地看,不幸地都看到 Carrie 花大錢,跟我的個性很不符合
沒看電影!因為預告裡打carrie的廣告太多了,本人boycott carrie的