一大早就感覺有幻聽 覺得自己被公車司機罵 後來進辦公室又被颱風尾掃到 一整個想回家避難...
wanna compare with my shitty life in army?
i've been telling myself these are all part of the training ... sigh
你要加油~ 這一切經歷事後回想 都是另一種樂趣... 我現在都這麼對自己說
i'm afraid i wont recall any becoz everything i'm doing is meaningless
I'm glad to have two bosses here...to keep me balance
"hope".... so i guess not. tell him that he's the role model of many. i think of him from time to time to remind myself staying awake..
you are really nice to say that
I believe he will be encouraged by what you said
i'm only good at encourage anyone but myself
To Mark:he says"Among his peers, he is my role model!"