Papabear49 has
16 years ago
X-(been suffering 25-30knot winds all day and I'm getting BLOODY SICK of it!!
latest #10
twmpyn says
16 years ago
yuk- I'd not be happy either
Papabear49 says
16 years ago
I guess! You tend to get a bit anal about the weather! :'-(
ProudNerd says
16 years ago
(cozy) i hope you are OK..please wear jacket and stay at home...dont get sick :'-(
Doc says
16 years ago
although I didn't get to see much of - the weather in Sydney today was bloody perfect
Papabear49 says
16 years ago
it's not cold here randu, just windy. I'm still wearing shorts and tshirt like I do all year! (LOL)
Papabear49 says
16 years ago
besides, I have enough whisky in my system to keep out all bugs! (rofl)
Papabear49 asks
16 years ago
gardening today, soulcreates?
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