England, I'll look forward to our match.
latest #18
...though for the first time, I think I'll be glad for the vuvuzelas.
Heh. I'm sure we'll find a way/
England vs. Slovenia. 1:0! go England. ^_^
Football. It's a child's game. You should start paying attention to serious matters!
You say that only because you humiliated yourself.
I had nothing to do with that mess.
But I'm being left to deal with them.
Do you have anything in mind?
I was going to invite England over to cook once you inevitably beat him and he;s done shouting drunken abuse about past, unrelated victories
Althought he does still have a point about those.
It's that or I get them alone in a locker room.
It's not just me who brings up the war!
What about Holland's bicycles?!
...don't remind me of him and his bicycle comments.
However, perhaps it would be best if you were to console him, if he happens to lose.
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