We've all changed the lockson our rooms now, so it feels much better. I'll shut up about the crazy roommate drama now unless...
latest #10
...something, well, crazy happens.
well, plurk is to tell about your life, so I wouldn't worry about 'spamming' about crazy roommate.
on the other hand, hopefully you won't have any more crazy roommate stories!
I have even more now. They're all pretty lulzworthy, actually.
Judge caught him today switching his story.
Story time, story time!!!
He had changed his story, so when I had a chance to ask questions. I specifically asked about it.
He said he paid me on Saturday at 2pm, then changed his story to Sunday at 2am.
Also, my roommates and I are sleezy and trying to extort him.
From the guy who showed up to court wearing shorts and flip-flops.
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