jlkfhsdjklfhsdjkfhjsf LMFAO JAEJOONG
lolol he looks fucking cute xDDD
i'm a bit worried that the cap will swallow him :[
sjfhj dead inorite. it makes him look so tiny lmfao
it's weird cause this bb has got a big head. so the hat must be gigantic to make him look this way
XXXXXXXXL-sized cap. specially for jaejoongs.
wai no one's commenting on changmin's sexy >:|
did he do smth to his eyebrows?
serena: don't be ridiculous :|
he totally did. they look different now
metrosexual? you make carrie bradshaw cry gucci tears
i can suggest "sexual god"
changmin is jaesexual, serena you make me happy like woah
although it's a common term for jaemin shippers, i'll have you know :]
cause gay and jaesexual are different things
it's jae's special feature